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Study Shows that Floating Bamboo Plates Capture Strength of Small-Scale Ocean Currents

January 27, 2020

January 27, 2020 Researchers optically tracked 600 biodegradable bamboo plates floating in the Gulf of Mexico for 2.5 hours to better understand how small-scale currents (scales of minutes and meters) affect surface dispersion. Ten minutes after releasing the plates onto the water’s surface, the plates collected in narrow parallel convergence zones (known as windrows and […]

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Study Provides Insights into How Floating Material Moves on the Ocean

October 22, 2019

October 22, 2019 Scientist John Taylor with the University of Cambridge analyzed simulations of small-scale fronts (

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How Grad Student Bodner Uses Theoretical Math to Add Turbulence to Transport Predictions

September 10, 2019

September 10, 2019 Predicting where oil will go can be one of the most challenging aspects of marine oil spill response. Following Deepwater Horizon, research showed that strong currents capable of transporting oil often appear along ocean fronts (the interface between river like-water masses that have different temperatures, salinities, or densities). However, our limited understanding […]

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Study Tests STARRS Imaging of Short-Lived Small-Scale Dispersion on Ocean’s Surface

August 15, 2019

August 15, 2019 Researchers described field methods and observations using the Ship-Tethered Aerostat Remote Sensing System (STARSS) to better understand how buoyant material moves and disperses on the ocean’s surface. Using algorithms based on geo-rectified imagery, the STARSS successfully quantified small-scale and high-frequency surface dispersion in an open-ocean environment and improved observational diffusivity estimates in […]

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