Ocean 180 Video Challenge is a national video competition for ocean scientists, judged by middle school students. Scientists are challenged to bring their latest research papers to life in a short video.
We are happy to announce that 2 CARTHE/Waterlust videos were in the Top 10 this year (Bob the Drifter and Drones at the Beach). Both videos were created by the Waterlust team, a group of creative scientists who focus on people’s relationship with water, and were based on CARTHE research.
The videos were judged by 37,795 middle school students and Drones at the Beach won FIRST PLACE!!
Congratulations to all of the scientists and videographers involved in making this great video!
Announcement: http://ocean180.org/2015-challenge/2015-winners.html
Corresponding publication: http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/JTECH-D-14-00122.1